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Updated 5-30-23. I'm always seeking to improve this version. Have a suggestion? Text Jim (530) 364-0333

John's Second Letter


2 John 1

John's Greeting the Chosen Lady

1 The Elder,
To the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not only I, but also all of those who have come to know the truth,
2 Because of the truth which resides in us, and will be with us throughout eternity:

3 Gracious favor, compassion, and peace will always be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

Walk in the Truth

4 I rejoiced greatly that I found your children walking in truth, even as we received the commandment from the Father. 5 And now I plead with you, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment to you, but that which we have had from the beginning: that we are to love one another. 6 And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments. This is 'The Commandment', that as you have heard from the beginning, that you should walk in it. (See John 13:34 & 15:12)


Watch Out for Deceivers

7 Because many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. This is the Deceiver and the Anti-Christ. 8 Watch out for yourselves, so that we may not lose those things which we have worked hard for, but that we may receive a full reward.

Everyone who goes beyond the teaching of Christ, and doesn't remain in it, doesn't have God. The one who remains in the teaching of Christ, this one has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and doesn't bring this teaching, don't receive them into the house, and don't cheerfully greet them. 11 For the one who cheerfully greets them shares in their evil works.

John's Farewell Greeting
Having many things to write to you, I do not want to do so with paper and ink; but I expect to come and speak to you face to face, so that our joy may be full.
[Literally, mouth to mouth.]

The children of your chosen sister embrace you.


Amen! (Indeed!)

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