"Proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light!" (1 Peter 2:9)

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You Can Know God!

You can know the One who created the stars!


When Jesus was praying for His disciples, He said, "This is eternal life, that they may know You,   the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent."  (John 17:3) ...So Eternal Life is Knowing God!

This is the most exciting and fulfilling thing in life, to Know God as your personal friend. Because our  spirits were created to be able to commune with God; and that’s why we can have everything that this world has to offer, but without God, we still feel empty inside.

For the only thing that can truly fill that void inside us, is God's Spirit living inside us; for we were created to have the Holy Spirit live inside of us: “As God has said, I will reside inside of them… And I will be their God, and they will be my people.’" (2 Corinthians 6:16)

But the prophet Isaiah said, "Your sins have hidden His face from you. So He will not listen." (Isaiah 59:2) And that’s why we feel empty inside. We are like a cell-phone with no connection; we cannot hear the voice of God, and God doesn't hear us. 

"God is Love!” (See 1 John 4:7-21) So the Wrongs we commit against one another hurt Him (Ephesians 4:30-32), and cause God to hide His face from us.

But since we weren’t obeying God’s ‘GOLDEN RULE’, the Law of Love, and chose not to serve God; we became the devil’s slaves. As it’s written, “Don’t you know? That to whomever you present yourselves as obedient slaves, you are the slaves of the one whom you obey. (Romans 6:1) So God had a problem.

Because God Loves us, He doesn’t want to have to send us to Hell to be with the devil for all eternity; but God cannot let us into Heaven, unless we chose to obey Him; because if He did, Heaven would become just as messed up as the Earth.

So God became a man: the Lord Jesus Christ. So that we could Know God as He truly is! Jesus came to demonstrate God’s Love for us; that we might choose to Love and obey Him; and Jesus also taught us to Love one another; for as Jesus said, "THIS IS MY COMMANDMENT: Love each other, just as I have Loved you. No one has Greater Love than this; that someone should lay down their own life for their friends." (John 15:12-13) And then Jesus did just that, Jesus laid down His life for us on the Cross, and then 3 days later He rose from the dead.

But since the devil crucified the innocent Son of God, he now must release from captivity even the worst sinner, if they call on the name of Jesus! Therefore, “To as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become God's Children, even to those who believe and trust in His name.” (John 1:12)

So now the Father has Only One Commandment, THIS IS HIS COMMANDMENT: that we trust in the name of His Son Jesus Christ; and Love one another, just as He commanded us.”  (1 John 3:23)

So Heaven or Hell is our chose: It all depends on whom we chose to obey? But remember, Jesus said, "The thief (the devil) doesn't come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: but I came so that they might have life, and have it even more abundantly.” (John 10:10)   So who do you want to spend Eternity with? Jesus, or the devil?

Would like to KNOW GOD and be with Him for All Eternity?

Then simply tell Him so: “Dear LORD Jesus, I ask you to forgive my sins, and to come and live inside me. I want to Know You, and be with You for all Eternity. Fill me  with Your Love, Joy, and Peace. I want to become your disciple, just like your first disciples were. So I surrender my life to you today. You are my LORD! In your name I pray, LORD JESUS. Amen!”  (So be it!)

“What should I do now?”

Always remember Christianity isn't a religion of things you do to earn eternal life; it's a relationship with the God you NOW KNOW AND LOVE!

Begin reading the Gospels: John, Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Begin with John because it will explain many things to you. And as you read, ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you.

Ask Jesus how to apply the things you are reading in your life today


Ask Jesus to show you a good church to go to: because you need to be in fellowship with those who are also seeking God, because they will inspire and encourage you, and you will inspire and encourage them. Because as the Scripture says, "And let us consider how to sharpen one another unto love and good deeds. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but encouraging one another: and so much the more, as you see the day approaching." (Hebrews 10:25)

Begin telling other people about  Jesus, because Jesus said, "You will receive power,  after the Holy Spirit has come  upon you: and you will be my witnesses...” (Acts 1:8)  See "An Easy Way to Share Jesus!"


Download this Pamphlet @ tlwbible.com/know.pdf
Share Jesus with others!


Read The Living Word Gospel of John
It contains Everything a New Christian Needs to Know
To Grow in their Relationship with Jesus!

"You Can Know God!" Shares the Simple & Beautiful “Restored Gospel of God’s Love.” The GOOD NEWS of GOD’S LOVE, that a person can KNOW GOD in a very deep and personal way. And it asks the reader to make a complete commitment to Christ, and shares the most important things to do to Grow in Christ.

“An Easy Way To Share Jesus’ Love. Makes it Easy for anyone to share the Good News of Jesus with their family, friends, acquaintances, co-works, and even strangers; it gives people an idea of what to say, and links where they can download Free Gospel Pamphlets that keep the Good News GOOD! (If you’d like Master Copies of any of these Pamphlets, with your Church’s Contact Information on them, simply email Jim @ jim@tlwbible.com And I’ll email you Free Master PDF Files.)

“The Restored Gospel of Love” article, Restores the True Gospel to the Church. The Faith, which was entrusted to God’s holy people, once for all time.” (Jude 1:3) And Teaches "Jesus' Law of Love."

"The Mystery of the Shroud." Looks at the Biblical & Scientific Evidence for the Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, and gives an unbeliever a tangible reason to believe the Gospel.

"The Gospel of John" Doesn't use religious terminology, it simply translates ‘God’s Word’ literally into common everyday English, making it easy for anyone to understand, which helps people to see Jesus more clearly. (It also contains: Helpful Notes & Insights.)  

"The Book of First John" More than any other book of the New Testament, shares what it means to Truly Follow Jesus, and is a Practical Guide to Everyday Christian Living; which gives New Believers a Good Foundation to Build Upon.

Therefore I would like to ask you to print out a few copies of this Gospel of John, and share them with others: that together we might become a 'catalyst' for A New Jesus Movement! ~ I'm able to print it out very inexpensively on my Epson EcoTank ET-3850 printer, and perhaps you could do the same? (You can download this Gospel of John @ tlwbible.com/john.pdf)

In the LOVE of Christ!  Jim  (If you just Received the LORD, please text or email me @ 530-364-0333 or jim@tlwbible.com, and let me know. And I'll be sure to write you back, because I'd like to encourage you, get to know you, and pray with you about any needs you might have.)