As a young Christian I really wanted to understand, “Why did Jesus have to die?” So I read my Bible through from cover to cover; seeking to find the answer to that question. But I was surprised, because nowhere in the Bible does it explain exactly why or HOW Jesus' His death freed us from our sins. It just simply states it did!

As I continued to read and study to try to find out the how and why: but the very first prophecy in the Bible, spoken by God Himself, seems to indicate that the devil was the problem: because GOD told the devil, "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel." Genesis 3:15 NKJV. And in the New Testament we read, "He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." 1 John 3:8. So those who sin are the SEED of the devil, and Jesus is the SEED of the woman and the Son of God, and the reason Jesus came was to destroy the works of the devil! So Jesus came to destroy Satan and free his slaves, which is exactly what Hebrews 2:14-15 teaches, "So since the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also shared in the same; that through death he might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil; and free those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to slavery." So from Scripture our problem seems to be: sin brought us into captivity to the devil! (Also see ----)

Another very important point,
that we learn from what GOD spoke in the Beginning, is that it was the devil who would POUR OUT HIS WRATH ON JESUS ON THE CROSS - NOT THE FATHER! BECAUSE GOD HIMSELF SAID, "You shall bruise His heel." So it was the devil who had Jesus bused, beaten, and crucified! (Not the Father.) And we KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE, because although Jesus said in Matthew 20:28 & Mark 10:45, "The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life AS a ransom for many." Nevertheless, in Luke 20:13-15, Matthew 21:37, & Mark 12:6, JESUS SAID, GOD THE FATHER WOULD BECOME ENRAGED, AND DESTROY THOSE WHO MURDERED HIS SON!
"Then the LORD of the vineyard said, 'What should I do? I'll send my beloved Son. Perhaps when they see him, they'll respect him.' But when the farmers saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, 'This is the heir. Come, let's kill him, so that the inheritance may be ours.' So they threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him. Therefore what will the LORD of the vineyard do to them? He will come and destroy those farmers and give the vineyard to others." (Which GOD did do in 70 AD!) So according to Jesus, THE FATHER "WAS NOT PLEASED" by the death of His Son!

Yet Isaiah 53:10-11 in the NKJV reads, “Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, And the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in His hand. He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many, For He shall bear their iniquities.” I was puzzled by Isaiah 53:10-11; because it seemed to contradict GOD'S PROHIBITION ON SHEDDING INNOCENT BLOOD, and GOD'S OWN WORDS (in Genesis 3:15), and JESUS' OWN WORDS  in Luke 20:13-15, plus it contradicted many other Scriptures on the Nature & Character of GOD? Plus it didn't lineup with any other verse in the entire Bible!

Finally, the only conclusion I could come up with was, “Perhaps, 'It PLEASED' the Father to 'bruise Him' and 'put Him to grief' for the same reason it PLEASED Jesus to endure the cross, “Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2), that "JOY" was the knowledge, that His death, would bring SALVATION to many lost sons and daughters." That was the only conclusion I could come up with: because I know the Father wasn’t PLEASED with the murdered of His Son! (See Luke 20:13-15)

In 2023 I began working on a revision of the KJV Old Testament, as a base text for ‘The Living Word” Old Testament: but I ran into a problem; because Jesus and the Apostles quoted from the 3rd Century BC Greek Septuagint 95% of the time. But the KJV was translated from 10th Century AD Masoretic Text; and it contradicts Jesus and the Apostles in the Old Testament 95% of the time!

So I deleted my revision of the Old Testament from my website: because I didn't want to misquote GOD! And I began reading the Septuagint to see how the other Old Testament Prophecies read in it.  And I was shocked when I read Isaiah 53:10-11 in the Septuagint! Because it reads, The Lord desired to cleanse him of the beating. ‘But if you give [yourself] for sin; Our soul will see a long-lived seed.’ [So] the Lord purposed to take away the anguish of his soul, [by] showing him light, to form understanding within him. [And] he has declared righteous the righteous one, who served many well, because he himself will bear their sins.”(TLW) I was shocked and amazed because I had expected this passage to read similar to the Masoretic Text, but it was completely different and instead confirmed what I believed about the Father from reading the New Testament! That the Father was not pleased by the crucifixion of His Son, but rather like a loving parent whose son had been beaten by bullies, the Father desired to take Jesus in his arms and cleanse his wounds; but instead, BECAUSE THE FATHER & JESUS WANTED TO SAVE HUMANITY, the Father had to remind His Son of the importance His Mission: that if he would offer himself as a RANSOM for sin, MANY PEOPLE would inherit eternal life!

It was this “light” of revelation that the Father gave Jesus on the cross, “that form understanding” in Jesus’ mind and “gave him the strength to endure the cross," because of "the Joy" of this hope, which the Father had “set before him” on the cross! 

So unlike the Masoretic Text, which in Isaiah 53:10-11, contradicts MANY OTHER SCRIPTURES: by contrast the Septuagint agrees with and dovetails together with everything that's written throughout Scripture, in Perfect Harmony!  

Why did Jesus prefer to quote from the Septuagint?
(This section is I have not yet completed)

Most likely, the reason Jesus quoted from the Septuagint instead of the Hebrew Text of his day, was probably because the Hebrew Text had been corrupted during the 400 year Dark Age, just before the Messiah came, when no prophet spoke for God in Israel, after Malachi.

During this period of time the sects known as the 

The Dead Sea Scrolls seem to confirm this Theory; because in many places where the Dead Sea Scrolls disagree with the Masoretic Text they agree with the Septuagint, because the Septuagint’ was translated from an older Hebrew Text than even the Dead Sea Scrolls 200 to 300 years before Christ!!! (So it represents an Older and More Accurate Hebrew Text, that we no longer have!) 

So should we completely throw out everything in our modern Hebrew Text? No! Because Greek & Hebrew Texts agree most of the time. So by looking to the Hebrew and Greek Texts in the places were they agree we can gain a better understanding of what words actually meant in Old Testament times. But the Septuagint’ should be the Base Text we build our Translations upon!!! Plus

To prove that the following are just a few examples were the Dead Sea Scrolls and --- disagree with our modern Hebrew Text, but agree with the New Testament and the Septuagint: 

For more on this please watch the complete 30 video series done by --- on his YouTube Channel @ ---, and I have also uploaded these and other videos on the Septuagint’ to my website @ --- There you will also find ---- & ----, plus many other videos. But I would suggest you first watch these 3 videos as an Introduction to “The Septuagint” which is the Most Reliable Old Testament Text we have! Because Jesus and the Apostles wouldn’t have quoted from it, if it wasn’t Reliable! (See ---( Also consider this, Jesus alone knew what the Original Text read, because He Is the word of God! (So we should follow His Lead! My sheep follow my voice) 

In the Love of Christ! 

Jim Atto 



 The Living Word Gospel of John
that can
bring forth a New Jesus Movement!

It Proclaims God's Goodness & His Law of Love! It draws people into a Genuine Love Relationship with Jesus Christ! And it makes True Disciple of the Christ who genuinely love people & Share His Love with others! Because it reveals that God is Love & that He Delights in Mercy & it refutes the lie that “God is a Perfectionist: Who would send someone to Hell for committing even just one sin, and who supposedly Poured out His Wrath on His Son on the Cross, to satisfy His desire for some form of retribution.”  Instead it reveals God as our Loving Heavenly Father, who Loved a lost world so much that He was willing to sacrifice His own Dear Son, as a Ransom, to Purchase our Freedom; and how Jesus, our Loving Savior, willing laid down His life, both for His Friends & His Enemies.

"You Can Know God!" Simple and Beautiful shares the GOOD NEWS  that you can KNOW GOD as your Best & Closest Friend. And it asks them to make a complete commitment to Christ, and it shares the most important things that they need to do to Grow in their Relationship with Christ.

An Easy Way To Share Jesus’ Love.” Makes it Easy for anyone to share the Good News of Jesus with their family, friends, acquaintances, co-works, and even strangers; it gives people an idea of what to say, and links where they can download Free Gospel Pamphlets that keep the Good News GOOD!

"The Mystery of the Shroud." Looks at the Biblical & Scientific Evidence for the Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, and gives doubters a tangible reason to believe in Jesus.

"The Gospel of John" Doesn't use religious terminology nor interpret God's Word according to religious traditions. 'The Love Bible' simply translates the literal meaning Greek words had in the First Century (minus all the various religious theories different sects have come up with over the last 2000 years; many of which make God appear more mean and angry than He actually is!) We need to return to First Century Christianity! And the only way to do that, is to translate God's Word literally into common everyday English and let the Bible interpret Itself. (The Love Bible also contains helpful notes; to help the reader understand the meaning of Greek words that we have no English equivalent for.)

"The Book of First John" More than any other book of the New Testament, 1st John shares what it means to be a True Follower of Jesus Christ: making it a Practical Guide for Everyday Christian Living; and gives Believers a Good Foundation to build their lives upon.

The Restored Gospel of Love Is a Manifesto for “A New Jesus Revolution!” It restores to GOD the Honor due His Name: by restoring the Doctrines of God’s Goodness, Mercy, and Love & His Law of Love! ~ Which is the POWER of the Gospel! ~ Because, "We love him [AND OTHERS], because he first loved us!" (1 John 4:19)

Help FAN into FLAME this New Jesus Movement!
Download this Gospel of John and Share it others!

If you give out just 5 copies of this Gospels of John a week you will have Shared the Good News of Jesus Christ with 260 people by the end of the year! Or if hand out 10 a week = that's 520 people you will have reached! Or if you hand out 20 copies a week = that's 1,040 people you will have reached! with the Good News of Jesus! And if some of them do likewise, within as few short years the number of people you will have reach with the Good News of Jesus Christ is astronomical! (And your reward in Heaven will be Great! ~ See Psalm 112:9 & Daniel 12:3) All you need is a printer and a long stapler; I'm able to print this Gospel very inexpensively on my Epson EcoTank ET-3850 printer, and perhaps you could do the same? (You can download this Gospel of John @

My Vision:

Eventually, I would like to mail this Gospel of John out to every home in America; but that is something that is far beyond my ability to do so right now. So for now I am just handing out this Gospel of John in communities near me; and also mailing some to other Christian Ministries, in the Hope that they will do likewise.

Right now, I am looking for a Sponsor who can help me mail out this Gospel of John to people in our jails and prisons in Oregon: because these people have broken lives and they have nothing but time on their hands: but as they read and meditate on this Gospel; it can change their lives and give them Hope! And because they have so much time on their hand, they have more time to study and meditate on the Word of God than most of us do. And because of that I believe that many of them will become Leaders in this New Jesus Movement, and together we can bring forth a New Jesus Movement the likes of which the world hasn’t seen since the first century!

But the problem that I have is right now Jails and Prisons will not accept my Gospels of John (because they do not accept booklets with staples in them; they only accept books that are published by a professional publisher). But I do not have the money to have thousands of these Gospels of John published nor can I afford to buy the amount of stamps I would need to mail them all out (because I am in Retirement, and have less than $2000 a month to live on). Because of that, I am looking for a sponsor who can have these Gospel of John published and sent to me, and who can also sent me the amount of postage stamps that I would need to mail them out.

So if you know of a wealthy person who might be willing to help? Please give them a copy of this Gospel of John, or ask them to visit my website (because they will find the same information there) LoveBible.Org Or if you yourself would like to contact me? My Contact Information is listed below.

Send texts or voice-mails to Jim @ 530-364-0333 Or email me @ 

Thank You & God Bless You!  Jim Atto