New Covenant Books: John Matthew Mark Luke Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation Old Covenant Books
If you have Questions about the Bible ~ Hopefully you will find the Answer here.
How Do You Picture God? | Jesus Our Ransom Sacrifice | Did God pour out His Wrath on Jesus on the Cross? | More Answers to Come...
This article is a Initial Version, I haven't completed it yet.)
The simple answer is, "No!"
Yet I have78 often heard pastors and Bible teachers, whom I respect and listen to online, say, "God poured out all the wrath He had stored up, for our sins, on Jesus on the Cross." Yet after 50+ years of reading and studying the Bible, I have never found even one verse, that supports this claim. And that's why I have decided to write this article, because I believe everyone is simply parroting this claim, because they've heard it so often. (Similar to how some Christians use to believe, "God helps those who help themselves', until pastors began to correct that error from their pulpits). And so it is my hope that pastors will also begin to correct this error from their pulpits.
For God finds no delight or satisfaction in the death of anyone, not even the wicked, for God said, "'I have no pleasure in the death of him who dies,' says the Lord the LORD." (Ezekiel 18:32) And so God WASN'T vicariously satisfied by Jesus suffering and dying on the cross; rather GOD was GREATLY ENRAGED by the death of His Son! For in Mark 12:1-9 Jesus spoke this allegory,
“A man planted a vineyard, ...and leased it out to farmers, and traveled abroad. the time of harvest, he sent a servant to the farmers, that he might receive some of the fruit... But they ...beat him, and sent him away empty-handed. ...again sent another... they threw rocks at him, striking him on the head, and sent him away shamefully treated. ...again he sent... many others, beating some, and killing some. Then still having one, his beloved son, he also sent him to them lastly, saying, ‘They will respect my son.' But those farmers... killed him, and threw him outside of the vineyard. Therefore... He will come and destroy those farmers..."
So God wasn't pleased by watching His Son suffer and die on the Cross, actually He was GREATLY ENRAGED!
But you may say,
Before time began, before God had created the Earth and placed Adam & Eve on it, God knew that man would rebel and sin; ....... (More to Come!)
Living Word Gospel of John:
Contains the Seeds for a New Jesus Revolution!
I want to
mail it out to thousands of
people world-wide.
For the "Jesus Revolution 3" article it contains, calls us all back to First Century Christianity, and the Importance of Love, and the True Gospel. And it contains the "You Can Know God" tract; which invites people to come to Know Jesus and become His disciples! And it also contains "First John" which explains what it truly means to be a Disciple of Jesus. Also this "Gospel of John" corrects many misconceptions people have about God! (See the Note on John 9:3-5 as one example.) And the "Copy-Freely copyright" gives everyone the ability to reproduce this Gospel of John using their own computer and printer: so that, like a seed, this Gospel of John can Multiply and Cover the Earth!
"Please send this link TLWBIBLE.COM to other people: so that they can learn about this New Bible Translation and this VISION!"
Also I would like to ask you to Partner with me. So that together we can become a 'catalyst' for A New Jesus Movement! (I'm able to print this Gospel of John out very inexpensively on my Epson EcoTank ET-3850 printer and hand it out to people in my community; and perhaps you could do the same?) If you can? Send a donation thru PayPal, so that I can mail this Gospel of John out to thousands of people world-wide.
In the Love of Christ!
Email me
or text or call 1-530-364-0333
Coming Soon! Two New Websites ~ SharingJesus.Love &